Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Los Gatos Black on Halloween

Los Gatos Black on Halloween by Marisa Montes is a book about halloween with both english and spanish words in it. Each page is attributed to an aspect of halloween from the black cats, to pumpkins, to ghosts and witches. The artwork is stunning and I think it really makes the book amazing! I really enjoyed how every aspect of halloween was identified in spanish (ex. los Fantasmas= ghosts). I'm not really a big fan of halloween in all honesty, however this book has given me a jumping off point for lessons in October!


Molly said...

I agree with you that this book would offer some ideas for lesson plans for the month of October. I think it brings in a whole other aspect to Halloween and definitely reflects a different cultures views of it which is especially important in the classroom! I really loved the artwork as well because it is so unusual and full of color. I think the important thing with this book would just be to educate the parents beforehand and they would hopefully be on board in allowing their children to learn something new!